How to focus during creative sessions

Some days you’re just there in the middle of a brainstorming session, you let your mind daydream a little bit and suddenly it’s 2034.

It’s great when you can face the next point on your “to do” list or the next briefing waiting for your attention and amazing ideas on your pile and, like MacGyver but without the horrible mullet, you just go and do it. Easy-peasy. Let’s face it though, sometimes you just didn’t rest enough because you binge-watched an entire season of Modern Family last night or drank the whole wine production of a small country or both or just LOOK AT THAT BLUE CAR. Here are some tips to focus during creative sessions and let those terrific ideas flow:

Tips to keep your concentration during the creative sessions

Put those phones away

Unless you are waiting for a call from the president to save the country, everything can wait for an hour. Phones lighting up everytime a Whatsapp message comes through are, apart from slightly disrespectful, amazingly annoying. No offence to your friends sending banana emojis.

Keep it quiet

There’s no point in brainstorming if all you can hear is Mambo No.5 by Lou Bega on the background. It’s basically impossible. Reasonable silence is a must.

 Try to avoid off-topic conversations

I know we’re all dying to know what happened to Patricia last weekend or to argue about politics, feminism and how it affects your bread choice, but it’s much better to just stick to the topic and discuss only what’s important for that creative outcome you’re looking for.

Set a goal

Even if that goal is dissected in smaller, more achievable goals, it’s helpful to conduct the brainstorming session to a finishing line.

 Set a time limit

Nothing better than feeling the pressure buzz; if you know you have 30 minutes to make some progress, it’s probable that you’ll actually make it in a shorter time. It’s also amazingly relieving (and mercyful) to know you’re not going to be stuck in a meeting for hours.

 Get help

To avoid frustration and boredom, the two favourite lovers of distraction, get help from brainstorming tools like Triggers that can help you to re-direct the ideas to the right flow.

May you have a succesful and productive creative session!


Creativity is a mindset; an interview with The Pop Up Agency


The future of creativity; a conversation with Lucy and Andrés (IAM)