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Introducing Co-creation Patterns

Today we’re launching our latest addition to the Triggers family: Co-creation Patterns, a book on our methodology to ideate and co-create in teams.

“Everyone has their own twist of a tortilla de patatas recipe,'' said Triggers founder, Alejandro Masferrer. It’s an appealing way of sharing his idea when it comes to the co-creation process, but relatable in a sense because like tortilla patatas recipes, everyone has their own recipe for a successful creative process. 

It’s amazing that we’re different and unique in our own ways 

But when we evolve from being an individual to being collective, the design process becomes an abstract concept, causing uncertainty and confusion. That’s normal because it’s impossible to collaborate when we don’t share the same process in our heads. We here at Triggers have seen this first hand. 

Triggers is more than just a tool

We believe in not only making creative processes easy and accessible but to also help bring everyone’s creative process to its full potential. Hence, we created Co-creation Patterns — a methodology inspired by pattern language and game mechanism to provide clear guiding systems to make team collaboration more aligned and efficient. We then turned this into a book, something tangible and in-depth for anyone who’s curious about the methodology and is there for you to grab and digest, in any case of a co-creation-situation.

How Co-creation Patterns work

This methodology helps align members of any team, based on five simple patterns to form clear processes for any design and innovation project.

Curious to know more about our methodology? Head on over here to discover more about the book.