How to spark ideas during a brainstorming session


Lo que necesita

  • Post-it Notes, papers and pens

  • 7 – 12 random Ideation Cards from your deck of choice

  • Yourself, your team, your users or your clients

  • 20 - 30 minutos


It can be difficult to gather people around to create ideas collectively.

This tutorial is a simple but effective way to bring teams (even clients or users) to prepare your team’s mindset and bring the right energy for your ideation session.


  1. Define your brief by summing it up into a simple and straightforward sentence so everyone knows what problem you are trying to solve.

  2. Pick up a card and read the card to yourself if you’re ideating alone, or aloud to your team.

  3. Now brainstorm ideas with the question for 2 to 4 minutes to find possible paths to solve your problem. Then, repeat with a new card!


How to align your team before any ideation session


How to balance team participation during ideation sessions