Actualización de las nuevas cubiertas: el proceso de cocreación

Two weeks ago we announced the launch of four new decks. We are quite advanced in the process, and happy to say that we already have working prototypes of each of the decks and even ran the first testing sessions.

We find it interesting to share the process with you on our blog, so today we wanted to share some thoughts on the co-creation sessions


One notable change for these new decks is the fact that we are not doing them alone. We put together a team of advisors that are helping us to curate, co-create and polish the "what if" questions. We gathered a total of 12 professionals from many different countries, backgrounds and companies.


As they are all based in different countries and timezones, we led the sessions through Skype. We didn't know how it was going to work, but turned out to be a great experience. For each call, we prepared a Google Document in which we specified the agenda and where we noted down thoughts, suggestions and potential questions.


The key was to have a well-prepared process and make sure the participants had stimulating conversations about the questions they ask themselves when working with their teams.

Another positive thing about this process was discovering how fulfilling is to chat with other professionals about process and tools. Everyone highlighted how inspired they felt after the call.


After the first round of co-creation sessions, we are testing the decks with teams. If you wish to beta-test the decks, please reach out!

We'll share more details next week explaining how the testing sessions went.


Por qué los creativos deberían organizar más sesiones de cocreación


Cómo idear bajo estrés