Recapitulación del año con su equipo: reflexione y obtenga ideas

I bet you are all looking forward to the Xmas break. We don't blame you, 2017 was a tough year (which one isn't?). 

Esta época del año es ideal para emborracharse en las fiestas de la oficina, pero también para recapitular lo sucedido y establecer nuevos objetivos para 2018. Hemos diseñado un sencillo ejercicio para que tu equipo reflexione y obtenga ideas para el próximo año.


The exercise

Step 1
Gather your team around and give everyone a copy of the following chart.


* You can download a PDF version here.

Step 2
The goal is to map out five different areas:
- Past: Things that happened this year/latest months.
- Present: The current moment.
- Positive: Good things that we can use to our benefit.
- Negative: Things to improve.
- Future: What's next.

Each person should do this exercise individually, noting down whatever s/he feels it's relevant. To help everyone get their thoughts going, you can use the following questions:

- What happened before we got here?
- What were the essential past milestones?
- What are the vital events that shaped where we are now?

- Where are we standing now?
- How do you feel about the current situation?
- Does the present meet your expectations? Why?

- What's in our favour? What are our opportunities and strengths? 
- What did we learn?

- What are our vulnerabilities?
- What should we fix?
- Is anything dragging us down? What is it?

- How do you imagine next year? Where should we head as a group?
- How would you measure success?
- How could we prepare for future challenges?

* Note: Use these questions as guidelines. You don't need to answer them word for word.

Step 3
When all the members are done, ask them to share with everyone. Do it one by one. It helps if someone notes down everything on a whiteboard or big piece of paper.

Step 4
It's time for conclusions. With the help of everyone in the room, discuss similarities in the answers, insights and surprising facts.

This exercise should cover a large area of your year in a simple way. Make sure you take the proper time for it (one hour recommended) and good luck with 2018!


Sesiones de brainstorming: ¿debes quedarte con tu primera idea?


Cómo hacer más eficaces las reuniones