Cómo redistribuir la toma de decisiones durante las sesiones de ideación


Lo que necesita

  • Post-it Notes and pens

  • Sus Tarjetas de Ideación (y sus instrucciones)

  • A team of 3 – 8 people (for bigger teams, divide them into smaller groups)

  • 30 – 60 minutes


Making decisions can be a difficult thing to do when you have many choices, from personal preferences to ego and many more.

This tutorial will allow each team member to have the opportunity of shared efforts in making conclusions that’ll lead to the end goal of your session.

Consejo profesional

Lee siempre la pregunta en voz alta y asegúrate de que todos la entienden. Para saber cómo definir el briefing con una pregunta de enfoque, consulta la sección de consejos profesionales de las instrucciones.


  1. Have one person take an Ideation Card randomly and read it aloud.

  2. Everyone, except this person, takes 2 – 3 minutes to note down their ideas.

  3. The group then takes turns pitching their ideas to the person that read the card aloud.

  4. This person will act as a judge and will decide which idea is the winner of that round.

  5. Repeat the process but with a new person to pick and read a card aloud.

  6. Place the winning ideas on a pile to browse through when you are done with the exercise.


Cómo aprovechar al máximo la inteligencia colectiva al idear en grandes grupos


How to align your team before any ideation session