How to fully utilise your collective intelligence when ideating in large groups


What you need

  • Post-it Notes/papers and pens

  • Your Ideation Cards (and its instructions)

  • A team of 4 – 16 people (for bigger teams, divide them into smaller groups)

  • 20 – 30 minutes


Ideating in a large group can be intimidating but this is an opportunity to collectively use everyone’s experiences and background to full use.


Always read your focus question out loud and make sure everyone understands it. To find out how you can define your brief with a focus question, check out the Pro Tips section in the instructions.


  1. Gather everyone is a circle and place a bunch of the Ideation Cards in front of each person.

  2. Have everyone take one card and spend 2 minutes to note down their ideas on the Post-it Notes or paper in front of them. They can use drawings, charts, keywords and short sentences – have fun with it but make sure it’s understandable!

  3. After the time is over, have everyone stand up from their seats and move to the next seat on their left.

  4. In this new round, give them another 2 minutes to either use the idea the other person left and build on top that idea or take a new card and ideate from there.

  5. Repeat this process for 5–6 times or until everyone has moved back to their starting points.

  6. Give everyone some time to go through all of the ideas on the table. Let everyone note down their favourite ones on Post-it Notes or give them stickers to vote for the best ones.


How to build on top of the ideas you already have


How to redistribute decision making during ideation sessions